Shrove Tuesday, Ash Wed. Early Lent

Shrove Tuesday, Feb. 13: Confessions heard in church 4-5 pm. Men arrive to cook, 5:30 pm. Pancake Supper, 6 pm.

    Ash Wednesday, Feb. 14: 12 Noon & 6 pm.

Wednesday, Feb. 24: Poem Study at 6 pm; Mass at 7 pm; Vestry at 7:30 PM.

Wednesdays in Lent (Except Feb. 24 & until Holy Week): Soup & Poem Study, 6 pm. Poem Study will be on some of the Icelandic Passion Hymns of Hallgrímur Pétursson (1614 – 27 October 1674).

New Adult Sunday School Class. John Breck’s God with Us: Critical Issues in Christian Faith and Life. John Breck is described as an “Eminent Orthodox ethicist and pastor.” Of this work, Fr. Breck says, “My aim has been to discuss critical moral, biblical, and general theological issues in a way that is relevant to the lives of Christian people today, while remaining faithful to the sacred tradition of the Orthodox Church… Because a few of these writings are controversial, they will inevitably elicit disagreement… But that is all the good, if they succeed in provoking reflection that will provide better answers than I can offer to the challenges we Orthodox Christians are currently facing…”